Sunday 8 September 2013


Now, quitting your job is not always easy. For most of us, there are bills to pay and responsibilities to fulfill.

This is why most of us feel fear about quitting. What would ever happen to our finances? What should we do next?

Throughout the years we built our comfort zones. We feel safe in it even if we don’t like what we do. We felt confined, restricted but the rewards are ‘good’ enough to get us by. So why complaint right?

Ever since we were young, we have been conditioned to replicate what our forefathers do. We go to school, graduate, get a job, get married, have kids, buy house/car, keep money for rainy day and then grow old/retire.

Before the Prussian era, our ancestor works for themselves, they worked hard to ensure the generations survival. They passed on the business from generations to generations. They manage to build houses, owns acres and acres of lands. Could we even do this now? I doubt our monthly pay is barely enough to have all that.

While it is true that back then currency are controlled (barter system is practiced) but it’s definitely not easy to earn every penny. Lifestyle is straightforwardly simple, unlike now.

Today's lifestyle is very demanding, and in order to survive we must first fulfill our duty as an employee to ensure employers pays our salary. In other words, our survival sake depends on our job. Unfortunately, some does not earn much to be able to afford a comfortable lifestyle. The disparity between the rich and poor is too obvious.

So how do we step out of our comfort zone without compromising our lifestyle & commitments?

Here are some ideas that can help you get out of your comfort zone. Some are ways to make the process easier. Some are ways that you may not have thought of (or have forgotten).

Face your inner fears.

But do it in small baby steps. This is one of the best ways to overcome fears and get out of your comfort zone.

Often, what holds most of us back in our comfort zone is the fear. By taking small steps everyday allows you to stretch your comfort zone slowly making it less uncomfortable and frightening.

To move forward, take some time to identify your fear. Be honest. And then make a plan with some smaller steps that you can take to gradually lessen the discomfort.

Try something you have never tried before.

To gradually move out of your comfort zone, why not do something new? When you choose something new you may choose something that is line with your personality. So your experiences can become limited. Instead, choose something that’s out of character for you.

This will expose your to new experiences, opinions and interests that you never discover before.

Educate yourself with new skills.

Your comfort zone might be ‘protecting’ you from imaginary dangers and maybe things are not as difficult or scary as you have imagined? Why not do a bit of research? Getting some good information can dissipate quite a bit of your fear and nervousness.

Google for more info, read books and blogs or learn from those who have been there before. By doing this not only will lessen the negative feelings but also get some valuable and practical tips.

Immerse yourself with positive memories.

Think back to the previous times when you have broken out of your comfort zone. Focus on the positive memories, when you got out there, when you took that chance. How do you feel? It’s pretty liberating right? To be able to conquer your fears and emerge as a winner.

Most of the time, we automatically playback our negative experiences or negative interpretations of events in our minds every time we plan to do something new.

We forgot about the positive memories and our previous, positive achievements. Why not let the good memories flow through your mind instead and you’ll be amazed to see how things eventually become easier.

Listen to uplifting and motivational music.

Listening to uplifting and motivational songs helps you visualize your goal. Use it to guide your mind and soul. Simply select a particular song that gets you going and each time you feel fear is lurking out of nowhere or get demotivated, play the songs in your head. Feel the beat and lyrics.

Now, finally ask yourself these questions today.

1. What will your life be like in 10 years if you still stay within your comfort zone? What if you instead continually expand its boundaries and challenge the unknown fear?

2. Examine your existing life goals. Will they require you to go outside your comfort zone?

3. Can you do something different (outside your comfort zone) everyday? For example, wear a ridiculous top, say Hi to strangers, buy a drink and give it to someone you don’t know, dye your hair blue etc. Whatever you choose, it can actually help you conquer that fear to do something you have never tried before and this will help you step a little closer to your dream.

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