Thursday, 25 July 2013


Okay okay, it’s been 3 days since I last posted the progress of my journey.

A friend of mine have read this Blog and told me to abandon the chronicle part and jump straight to action. I think he’s right! Who wants to read another chapter of my life?

Instead of chronicling the journey, I might as well write about TIPS and post LINKS on REAL people who have taken the leap! What could be better than building up the confidence to take our own leap by learning from others right?

Hence it’s time to reorganize this blog and strategize. I am all about improvements baby!

It is not all about me now. It will be about “How to leave your dead end job without going BROKE!

Since we will do this together, the coaching part is basically direct to the point (no lengthy frilly explanation & stories) and non-structured, which means improvements can be made from time to time as no two persons are the same. I am toying with the idea of having it the guerilla way.

Sometimes you just need to close your eyes and JUMP ship! Trust your abilities to land safely but NOT without preparing yourself with the DO’s and DONT's. You will learn more about this during the coaching session.

My hope is that this new site will be a kickstart of a journey towards a self-made you.

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