Friday, 6 September 2013


We have heard it all before.."...Take the Leap, Do the leap of faith, Go and make that leap…"

It’s a BIG decision to make.

And if it involves quitting your job and be self-employed then there are several things that you MUST do before you take that LEAP.

So, first thing first;


You want to retire in a year's time? Then start planning already!

When you have decided to leave employment for good, don’t ever think that you will make money instantly and then expect to retire at some island for good. Not without making proper planning.

There are also people who don’t have much money in the bank but still take the leap anyway. They have no idea what is ahead of them and their life motto is to just go with the flow. Eventually some turned out exceptionally well, and some went just barely there.

Well, there’s nothing wrong with doing this if you are single, have less commitment and have some reserves in the bank to fall back to just in case.

Either way, I believe that every successful people (who went ahead anyways) must have done some planning beforehand. I am sure a handful of them still have bills to pay too.

It is always good to make several plans so you’ll have a rough guide (and back up strategy) on making your next move. And always come up with several plans (both pre-plans & back up plans) just in case some plans doesn't work (it can happen to anyone).


Setting expectations helps to minimize your emotion in case the leap attempt fail. It’s like a cushion net that safely catch you as you landed.

To manage your emotion, it starts with your MINDSET. Tell your inner self to not over expect and make sure you have a check list to refer to. The check list helps to ensure that you have covered all the basics.

By not over expecting, you can set realistic goal and approach it bit by bit. Even if you don’t achieve the goal, you can always improvise your approach and work from there.


If you have recurring bills / monthly commitment, please make sure that you set up a payment standing instruction (with the authorized merchant bank) for at least between 6 months to a year, for all your monthly bills in the event that you are planning to go mobile with your new business.

Standing instructions helps keep your payment regular thus will cover you whenever you are away or too busy to run to the bank.


Now this is an IMPORTANT document to refer to when you are planning for your leap attempt. This is the blueprint to ensure that your attempt is successful.

Without preparing this, do not expect to get out of the leap, ALIVE! Okay kidding.

The check list helps you to narrow down the important things to lookout for to ensure you cover all important MUST DO’s before you leave employment to pursue your dream.

For a basic Check list to help you through, please send me an email at and I will mail it to you for free. 

You may edit accordingly to suit your situation / preference.


Once you have completed your check list, review it at every end of the week and follow up.

Don't forget to set a Target End Date to keep you on track. 

Make changes if necessary and put a remark on why you need to make those changes (self note). 

Make a note on your progress (as brief possible) and revisit the list every day to reinforce your focus.

By the end of your target date and doing all the above, I am confident that your leap will not be just another wasted effort.

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